Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To start with.. whats this blog all about?!

I am always curious to know more about people in different countries. Being in Finland now, I got chance to experience myself in knowing more about people from other countries. I really enjoy and learn a lot from these interactions which are special in its own way.

I dint have an inkling before, on how cultures influence?? In particular not only in understanding people but also in understanding business and relationships in other countries. Now that I have friends from various countries like China, Hongkong, Russia, Moldova, Swiss etc and ofcourse Finland, I believe my observations on their cultures will be useful for others and myself, at some point of time! It gave me a start to scribble my thoughts on it. I underline here, the fact that all my scribblings here is solely based on my experience and observations with people I come across and they are not generic! I would be glad to receive your comments.
Here it goes.. Lets understand people better!

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